Extented Intelligence II
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This 3 days workshop was an overview of how we can introduce the AI into physical objects. And it was presented by 2 MDEF alumnis.
The first day, they show us their own projects about AI and design, and that was super interresting and instructif on what we can do with the mix of mixing physical objects and AI tools. One of my favorite projects was the one with the AI trying to create images of some really known furnitures, based on the official description. And pushing it deeper with trying to create them by hand and make them alive.
After in the day we had to use our camera to take some pictures, and after with writing some prompts to create some new images based on the real ones. The DOTTOD tool worked perfectly, we just have seen some limits with the Ai, and some times it can be hard to make you understand to it. At one try we asked him to represent a joyful kid in an aquapark, and he maked this joyful kid, but in the backgrounf all people were in black and white, and almost dying with an athomsphere of dead.
After we had the opportunity to use Modmatrix. And it was cool to see how we can use an AI in a certain input, and how that get out with different outputs. It was a plaful activity. But maybe to much time on this, because I think we already know more and more this. It will be a bit better to go faster in the main project.
After we had to develop a short project and trying to show a final product that works at the end.
We were a team of 4 composed of Carlos, Flavio, Mohit and me. Our projects at the beginning had for goal to trying to replicate the Swarm Effect (of course in a small scale). So we thought about trying to make 3 ESP32 talking to each others but just with some basics sound, and trying to them to find a common sound with agreeing to each others thanks to the AI.
But we encountered a lot of differents problems, like with the speakers and the micros because micros were not working as we wanted. But we tryed, and after running the code the ESP 32 was still making some noise, but it was almost impossible to understand if the sound was create by the AI or by what the micros perceived of the sound of the other ES 32.
So we decided to change, and to make them communicate with each others with some lights, and we wanted to make the intensity variable and changing the color of the light. But we struggled a lot with the WIFI connection of the ESP32. So we were not able to make it work.
After we also tried to make them speak to each other with texts.
But unfortunately at the end we had nothing to present beacause some probems appears aslo with the utilisation of the AI.
So for me this workshop was super interesting but I'm a bit disapointed because we had nothing created at the end and I had some difficulties to use these AI tools. But I learned a lot in any case.
I thing in the future I will try to use this for some projects and tring to expand a bit more my knowledge on the utilisation of the AI tools.