Communicating Ideas

DAY 1 :

Pablo Part :

During the first course we have seen a lot of different videos about how to do a narration or a story telling of something you want to share.

And also we have seen that the stortelling can be different for each spectator you want to convince about your project, beacause we don't all have the same way of seeing.

Everthing have a story, a storytelling.

A joke has a storytelling.

To share a story you need to answer at some questions, to explain well the narrative for the viewer or the auditor understand all the differents elements.

In a story you have an approach, knot and denounment.

8 keys to storytelling : A captivating start - Details that give credibility - Intrigue - Confilct - Archetypes - Metaphors -

Exemple of the video of " Dog without borders"

Saul Part :

Video of the Hack of Google Maps with all the phones to simulate trafic.

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