Collective Intelligences
Day 1
At the beginning we did an activity for discuss about our values with our classmates
Recommendation of Book : Design for the pluriverse
"Design as discipline and practice is capable of dealing with uncertainty."
What is collective intelligence : enhanced capacity that is created when people work together, often with the help of technology. It emerges when these contributions are combined to become more than the sum of their parts.
Recommendation of Book : Design as an attidtude
"Everybody is a designer and therefore everone has valuable knowledge and experience that can contribute to the design process" / Ezio Manzini
Ezio Manzini created this association
Reference Project : Design by Radical Indigenism / Meghalaya's Living Bridges / Khasis and Jaintias
Distributed Design Platforms*
Project about Distributed Design :
Flip floppi project :
From personal to community values
What values identify your MDEF community
Day 2
Activity : Discuss in group about what we share in the city
Activity 2 : Choose one ressource and talk with your group about this ressource
We seen a video about "The Tragedy of the Commons"
"The starkness of Hardin's original statement has been used by many scholars and policy makers to rationalize central government control of all common-pool ressources and to paint a disempowering pessimistic vision of the human prospect." / Elinor Ostrom
Governing the Commons by Elinor Ostrom
Principles of Collective Governance and Commons Management
Considerations and Complexities
Peer to Peer / The Commons Manifesto / 2019
Commons and Making
Creative Commons
Ressources : Wikifactory :
From Commons to Commoning
It's a relational practice : how we work together, relate with one another, and collectively share, maintain and care for ressources based in trust...
Activity : Exploring and prototyping relational practices in the context of the MDEF Fest
Day 3
They present us the project of the Distributed Design Platform
We also learn about what is a DAC : Decentralized Autonomous Comunities. With some intervenants from Manchester.
Link of the presentation of the course :
This week of the course "Collective Intelligence" was really interresting because we discussed a number of topics that were meaningful and in link with our design practices.
For me, the best things about this course was when we discovered a lot of different examples and resources which can be inspiring for our future projects. So personally i learnt a lot thanks to these examples.
Also the activities were helpful to understand and discuss the work with communities and how much we are more connected with each other and how we can work together in a better way. Furthermore i understood that communities are not necessarily those with a lot of difficulties and inequalities in other part of the earth, but they can also be the communities right next to you in your city, your classroom and even those you are a part of.
And I think this week could have been better and more impactful if we had a project to complete by the end of the week. Because we would have had the impression of applying all this knowledge and information in a croncrete project. And it would also make it easier to work with communities for our future projects.
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